Unity Farming Service Center

The Unity Farming Service Center is a comprehensive solution for managing and monitoring farming equipment in real-time. Our goal is to provide farmers with the tools they need to maximize their yield and efficiency while minimizing their operational costs. Our service includes:

Remote diagnose and support for field farming machinery Standardizing existing equipment using ISO11783 ECU Smart greenhouse monitoring and control using ZigBee and MQTT Digital marketing integration with social media, email, and website Co-simulation/testing system to speed up R&D We believe that our service center will revolutionize the farming industry and provide farmers with the support they need to succeed in today's competitive market.

Unity Farming Service Center (UFSC) aims to provide a one-stop-shop for farming services to farmers in rural communities. The UFSC will be located in a central location accessible to farmers in the surrounding areas. The center will offer a range of services including technical supporting, training, consulting, and access to equipment and inputs. The UFSC will partner with local farming associations and cooperatives to deliver its services.

Remote Diagnosis and Support

Offering remote diagnosis and support for field farming machinery can be a valuable addition to our services.

We plan to provide our customers with technical support and troubleshooting services for their farming machinery, including tractors, harvesters, and other equipment. Our experienced technicians will be able to diagnose issues remotely, offer guidance on how to fix the problem, and provide support throughout the process.

This service will be especially valuable for small-scale farmers who may not have access to technical support or cannot afford to hire a technician for on-site repairs. By offering remote diagnosis and support, we can help farmers reduce downtime, save on repair costs, and increase the efficiency of their farming operations.

We will include the cost of this service in our fee structure, and we will provide our customers with options for both on-site and remote technical support. We will also invest in the necessary equipment and training to ensure that our technicians have the skills and tools necessary to provide effective remote diagnosis and support.

Overall, we believe that adding remote diagnosis and support for field farming machinery will be a valuable addition to our services, and we are committed to providing our customers with the support they need to be successful in their farming operations.

We understand that different wireless communication protocols can offer various advantages and disadvantages when it comes to remote diagnosis and support for farming machinery. Here is how we plan to incorporate different wireless communication protocols into our remote diagnosis service:

4G/LTE and 5G: We plan to use 4G/LTE and 5G wireless communication protocols to provide remote diagnosis and support services to farmers in areas with cellular coverage. These protocols provide high-speed internet connectivity, which can facilitate real-time communication between our technicians and farmers in the field. We will use video conferencing, messaging, and other communication tools to diagnose and troubleshoot issues remotely.

TETRA and DMR: We recognize that many farmers in rural areas may not have access to cellular coverage, and we plan to use TETRA and DMR wireless communication protocols to provide remote diagnosis and support services in these areas. These protocols are commonly used for two-way radio communication. Our technicians will be equipped with TETRA and DMR radios to communicate with farmers in the field and diagnose issues remotely.

Wi-Fi: We also plan to use Wi-Fi wireless communication protocols to provide remote diagnosis and support services in areas with Wi-Fi coverage. Farmers with Wi-Fi access can connect their farming machinery to our diagnostic software, and our technicians can remotely access the software to diagnose issues and provide guidance on repairs.

we are able to use multiple wireless communication protocols to provide remote diagnosis and support services to farmers in different areas. We recognize that each protocol has its strengths and weaknesses and will select the most appropriate protocol for each situation. Our goal is to provide efficient and effective remote diagnosis and support services to help farmers keep their equipment running smoothly and reduce downtime.

Standardizing existing equipment

ISO11783 is a standard for communication between agricultural machinery and equipment, enabling them to exchange data and control signals. By standardizing existing equipment to this protocol, we can help our customers streamline their farming operations and improve the efficiency of their equipment.

We plan to offer our customers the option to retrofit their existing equipment with ISO11783-compliant electronics, such as electronic control units (ECUs), displays, and sensors. Our team of experienced technicians will be able to install and configure the equipment to ensure that it is functioning properly and communicating with other equipment in the field.

We will include the cost of this service in our fee structure and offer our customers flexible payment options. We will also invest in the necessary equipment and training to ensure that our technicians have the skills and tools necessary to provide effective standardization services.

We believe that standardizing existing equipment using ISO11783 ECU will be a valuable addition to our technical support services, and we are committed to providing our customers with the support they need to be successful in their farming operations.

Smart Greenhouse

We agree that expanding our services to include smart greenhouse monitoring and control can be a valuable addition to our business. We plan to use ZigBee and MQTT wireless communication protocols to enable farmers to monitor and control their greenhouse environment remotely.

ZigBee is a low-power wireless communication protocol that is commonly used for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. We plan to use ZigBee sensors to monitor greenhouse temperature, humidity, light levels, and other environmental factors. These sensors can transmit data wirelessly to a ZigBee gateway, which can then send the data to a cloud-based platform for storage and analysis.

MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that is often used for IoT applications. We plan to use MQTT to enable farmers to remotely control greenhouse equipment, such as fans, heaters, and irrigation systems. Farmers can use a smartphone or computer to send commands to the equipment via the MQTT protocol.

By using ZigBee and MQTT protocols for smart greenhouse monitoring and control, we can offer farmers a cost-effective and efficient way to manage their greenhouse environment. They can receive real-time data and make informed decisions to optimize their crop yields and reduce waste. We will provide our customers with training on how to use the system, and we will offer technical support to ensure that the system is functioning properly.


The center will provide training on modern farming techniques, farm management, and marketing to improve productivity and profitability. Moreover, will offer consulting services to help farmers identify and implement sustainable farming practices.